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vb. (en-third-person singular of: reduce)

Usage examples of "reduces".

Some researchers believe that drinking alcohol reduces the intake and bioavailability of other dietary cancer-protective substances.

The distress which follows and chastises extravagant luxury, often reduces the great to the use of the most humiliating expedients.

Such a trade, which reduces the human species to the level of cattle, may tend to encourage marriage and population, since the multitude of children enriches their sordid and inhuman parent.

The Prince Pretender reduces Carlisle, and penetrates as far as Derby.

One hormone reduces cholesterol, others elevate mood, and another suppresses the appetite.

In fact, studies have shown that exercise reduces waistline fat more effectively than dieting.

For instance, we know that a low-fat, high-fiber diet reduces blood estrogen levels in women, helping to balance hormones.

Consumption of fatty fish and soy reduces the risk of prostate cancer for men.

Drinking water before meals reduces food consumption and controls your appetite.

NIAAA finds no evidence to suggest that moderate drinking reduces the risk of heart disease, it advises nondrinkers against starting to drink because of perceived health benefits.

Alcohol also slows down our reaction times, increases loss of body heat, and reduces endurance.

The warm soak also relaxes tense muscles, reduces pain, and allows for easier movement when you exercise the next day.

HRT increases breast density, which reduces the sensitivity and specificity of breast screening.

Glaser and Chopra concluded that meditation reduces biological aging as measured by DHEA levels.

Chronic exposure to the sun reduces the efficiency of the Langerhans cells.