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The Collaborative International Dictionary

established \established\ adj.

  1. brought about or set up or accepted; especially long and widely accepted; as, distrust of established authority; a team established as a member of a major league; enjoyed his prestige as an established writer; an established precedent; the established Church. Contrasted with unestablished. [Narrower terms: entrenched; implanted, planted, rooted; official; recognized]

  2. securely established; as, an established reputation.

    Syn: firm.

  3. settled securely and unconditionally.

    Syn: accomplished, effected.

  4. conforming with accepted standards.

  5. shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt; as, the established facts in the case.

    Syn: proved.

  6. (Bot.) introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation; -- of plants.

    Syn: naturalized.

  1. Notable; distinguished; honored. alt. Notable; distinguished; honored. v

  2. (en-past of: recognize)

  1. adj. generally approved or compelling recognition; "several accepted techniques for treating the condition"; "his recognized superiority in this kind of work" [syn: accepted, recognised]

  2. provided with a secure reputation; "a recognized authority" [syn: recognised]

Usage examples of "recognized".

Momnets later, everyone still in the basket recognized the sensation as their craft ran aground on an oozy surface.

Fully recognized as portentous, the question was exhaustively discussed, with the confident assurances of some matched by the doubts and ambivalence of others, both military and civilian.

When, on the way down the street, for instance, impressions are received from a passing form, and a resulting act of apperceiving attention, besides reading meaning into them, awakens a sense of familiarity, the face is recognized as one seen on a former occasion.

It ought, on the contrary, to be applicable, as would be the equivalent power in England or France for instance, to aid and support all recognized objectives of government.

I recognized the little scholar with the shaggy gray beard, crocheted white cap, and drab shirt and pants who had come into the archive that morning.

Goethe recognized a metamorphosis of the process of anastomosis at a higher level.

She recognized star shaped astrocytes, and the presence of macro phages--the cleanup crew, whose function is to tidy up after infection.

Kotara tensed, for she recognized the fiend for what it was, a knight banneret in the hosts of darkness.

The barghest recognized the explosive rage in this drow and had felt the sharp bite of the scimitar.

Julia recognized the suggestion for what it was, exquisite politeness designed to give her an excuse to retain her barracan if removing it would embarrass her, and also, a subtle hint that he had no intent to ravish her upon the spot.

There were two guards by the door and a short-coupled man, the one who had spoken in English, that he vaguely recognized and thought might be Basser Assad.

Times critic, who had visited Basset for an interview, had recognized her.

When landing at Brest, your evil genius made you encounter Beausire on the quay, who recognized you immediately, bronzed and altered as you were, while you almost fainted at the sight of him.

They recognized Beausire immediately, but, as it was Oliva whom they most wanted, they did not arrest him there, but only joined the chase.

On seeing her, the men released Beausire, and gave a cry of exultation, for they recognized her immediately who resembled the Queen of France so strongly.