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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rebellious \Re*bel"lious\ (r[-e]*b[e^]l"y[u^]s), a. Engaged in rebellion; disposed to rebel; of the nature of rebels or of rebellion; resisting government or lawful authority by force. ``Thy rebellious crew.'' ``Proud rebellious arms.''
--Milton. -- Re*bel"lious*ly, adv. -- Re*bel"lious*ness, n.


adv. In a rebellious manner.


adv. in a rebellious manner; "he rejected her words rebelliously" [syn: contumaciously, defiantly]

Usage examples of "rebelliously".

The nurse looked rebelliously at the doctor, but the doctor only nodded.

Being Comtesse, Meg thought rebelliously, inwardly reverting to the hoydenish youngest Miss Ashe again, meant that everyone spoke to her as though she were some sort of grand institution, not a woman at all.

Meg told him rebelliously before Peverel left her, locking the door behind him.

Being Comtesse, Meg thought rebelliously, inwardly reverting to the hoydenish youngest Miss Ashe again, meant that everyone spoke to her as though she were some sort of grand institution, not a woman at all.

I quoted to her Dannii Minogue who said that, after break-ups, women often act rebelliously like colouring their hair outrageously, taking sudden trips, or splurging on expensive clothes.

Jaxom kicked rebelliously at a stone, watching the ripples it caused when it skittered across the surface of the lake and finally sank.

The dhow caught one of the taller swells, threw up her stern and went racing down upon it like a surf boat, with the skinny old Arab at the tiller prancing like a trained monkey on the stick of the tiller to hold her in the wave, but the dhow was not built for this work, and she dug her shoulder rebelliously into the sliding, roaring chute of green water, breaching so fiercely to the wave that the water poured aboard her in a green wall and she wallowed broadside, half swamped before she took the reef with a force that snapped off her single mast at deck level and sent yard and sail and rigging crashing .

Her adventures at the wrecking yard had left her clothes damp and rumpled, her hair alternately plastered to her head and curling rebelliously where it had dried in the air from the heater.