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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Defiant \De*fi"ant\, a. [Cf. F. d['e]fiant, p. pr. of d['e]fier. See Defy.] Full of defiance; bold; insolent; as, a defiant spirit or act.

In attitude stern and defiant.
--Longfellow. -- De*fi"ant*ly, adv. -- De*fi"ant*ness, n.


adv. 1 In a defiant manner. 2 (form of Common misspelling definitely English)


adv. in a rebellious manner; "he rejected her words rebelliously" [syn: rebelliously, contumaciously]

Usage examples of "defiantly".

If she saw me, she gave no sign, but rushed past me down the long room, to stand defiantly before Juan Cordova, a tall, slender figure, with her hair falling over her shoulders.

FOREIGNEoveOrTwhPelrhmaipnsg,baencdaubsee the strangeness Suddenly seem, cause he doubted he could go ali into that place so ominously painted and so glaringly, Ix haPs defiantly, misaligned to the earth-he began to be dread of what he might find as their purpose, these fo who fell to Farth on petal sails.

Dweller eye-twinkling - humans had been adjudged as acceptable confidants for the Dwellers of Nasqueron in the system of Ulubis, their presence mostly tolerated, their company usually accepted, their safety almost always guaranteed and their attempts to talk to the Dwellers and mine their vast but defiantly imaginatively organised and indexed data shales met with only the most formal of obstructiveness, the lighter forms of derision and the least determinedly obfuscatory strategies.

Although the Omani crew ran out their guns defiantly, they could not bring them to bear.

Zoe drew her legs together as much as the slackness of the straps permitted, glaring defiantly at the girl reaching over her defenceless body.

Clark, heavily bankrolled by developers, is running a strong and defiantly lackluster second.

Then they lifted up their heads, and, as a consequence, their forelegs, to which the heads were tied, and stood looking defiantly at their captors, just as though they were trying to make up their minds whether or not to shake hands with them.

How long before the whole of your prophecy will be fulfilled I cannot say, but under the shadow of so much fulfillment in so short a time, and with such threats from a man who is one of the most prominent exponents of the San Francisco mining-ring staring me and this whole community defiantly in the face and pointing to a completion of your augury, do you blame me for feeling that this communication is the last I shall ever write for the Press, especially when a sense alike of personal selfrespect, of duty to this money-oppressed and fear-ridden community, and of American fealty to the spirit of true Liberty all command me, and each more loudly than love of life itself, to declare the name of that prominent man to be JOHN B.

Cass, who had blown him home after the nobbling of the Imp. She was defiantly sounding her horn as the race ended.

By the time the biscop arrived, flanked by stewards carrying handsome ceramic lamps, the battle lines had been drawn: the servingwomen huddled in the pallet, all chattering accusations so loudly that Hanna thought she would go deaf, the steward and servants off to one side, licking their wounds, and Lord Wichman and his pack of wormy dogsa dozen scarred, cocky, brash young noblemenstanding defiantly by the smoldering hearth.

She owed Gareth Swales no debts and she answered his stare defiantly, before turning back to Jake and finding him gone.

He had defiantly ignored his requisite daily classes with the wizards to come here today, and to be alone.

Several times she had seen him swinging along defiantly, his dinner pail in his hand, while the neighborhood boys dogged his heels at a safe distance and informed him in yapping chorus that he was a scab and no good.

I suspected the fierce wall of Nykkus arrayed shoulder to shoulder behind my back, teeth bared and frills defiantly erect, also had a salutary impression on him.

He stiffened, stared defiantly back, and swept his own gaze insolently over her body from the midnight hair to the diminutive cothurns on her feet.