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n. The act or process of reappropriate.


In sociology and cultural studies, reappropriation or reclamation is the cultural process by which a group reclaims terms or artifacts that were previously used in a way disparaging of that group.

Usage examples of "reappropriation".

It arose within the Renaissance revolution to divert its direction, transplant the new image of humanity to a transcendent plane, relativize the capacities of science to transform the world, and above all oppose the reappropriation of power on the part of the multitude.

Capitalism sets in motion a continuous cycle of private reappropriation of public goods: the expropriation of what is common.

Knowledge has to become linguistic action and philosophy has to become a real reappropriation of knowledge.

The right to reappropriation is first of all the right to the reappropriation of the means of production.

In this context reappropriation means having free access to and control over knowledge, information, communication, and affects-because these are some of the primary means of biopolitical production.

Certainly, there must be a moment when reappropriation and self-organization reach a threshold and configure a real event.