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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ All faeces were collected, the times recorded, and the markers determined by radiography.
▪ Large nodules may be detected by lateral thoracic radiography.
▪ Osteonecrosis often begins insidiously and is difficult or impossible to diagnose with conventional radiography and computed tomography in the early stages.
▪ Plain radiography, with its superior spatial resolution, remains a key investigation in the initial diagnosis of a primary bone tumour.
▪ Stone number and diameter were assessed by radiography.
▪ The diagnosis was confirmed in all 11 patients by contrast radiography and by antroduodenal manometry performed in a manner previously described.
▪ The position of the tube was repeatedly controlled by radiography.
▪ Upper gastrointestinal radiography was performed in 42 patients and endoscopy with biopsy specimens in 48 patients.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

radiography \ra`di*og"ra*phy\ (r[=a]`d[i^]*[o^]g"r[.a]*f[y^]), n. Art or process of making radiographs, radiograms, or autoradiograms. -- ra`di*o*graph"ic (r[=a]`d[i^]*[-o]*gr[a^]f"[i^]k), ra`di*o*graph"ic*al (r[=a]`d[i^]*[-o]*gr[a^]f"[i^]*kal), a. -- Ra`di*o*graph"ic*al*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1896, from radiograph (1880), originally a device to measure sunshine; from radio-, comb. form of radiation, + -graph. As a type of image-making device, from 1896.


n. the process of making radiographs, and the science of analyzing them

  1. n. the process of making a radiograph; producing an image on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light [syn: skiagraphy]

  2. photography that uses other kinds of radiation than visible light


Radiography is an imaging technique that uses electromagnetic radiation other than visible light, especially X-rays, to view the internal structure of a non-uniformly composed and opaque object (i.e. a non-transparent object of varying density and composition) such as the human body. To create the image, a heterogeneous beam of X-rays is produced by an X-ray generator and is projected toward the object. A certain amount of X-ray is absorbed by the object, which is dependent on the particular density and composition of that object. The X-rays that pass through the object are captured behind the object by a detector (either photographic film or a digital detector). The detector can then provide a superimposed 2D representation of all the object's internal structures. Contrast radiography uses a radiocontrast agent, a type of contrast medium, to make the structures of interest stand out visually from their background, whereas plain radiography does not. Each type is best suited to certain indications.

In tomography, the X-ray source and detector move to blur out structures not in the focal plane. Conventional tomography is rarely used now having been replaced by CT. Computed tomography (CT scanning), unlike plain-film tomography, generates 3D representations used for computer-assisted reconstruction.

Applications of radiography include medical radiography and industrial radiography: if the object being examined is living, whether human or animal, it is regarded as medical; all other radiography is regarded as industrial radiographic work or Industrial computed tomography. The role of the radiographer has changed dramatically as a result of more advanced equipment.

Radiography (journal)

Radiography is a peer-reviewed medical journal covering diagnostic and therapeutic radiography. The journal is published by Elsevier and was established in 1995. The founding editor-in-chief was H. Brian Bentley from 1995 until 2003. The current editor-in-chief is Julie Nightingale ( University of Salford). The journal was preceded by an insert in the British Journal of Radiology starting in 1927. In 1935, the current journal's predecessor, which was also known as Radiography was first published. It is the official journal of the Society and College of Radiographers and the European Federation of Radiographer Societies. Besides regular issues, the journal occasionally publishes special issues.

Usage examples of "radiography".

The walls, papered in dark brown art-deco wallpaper, were covered in graphs and diagrams and illustrations of radiography equipment.

Up in Riddell House, the Chief Executive is frantically trying to raise the radiography unit when the power dies.

Demonstrator of Physics and Chemistry, and Teacher of Radiography in St.

Installations -- Radioscopy -- Radiography -- X Rays in Dentistry -- X Rays in Chemistry -- X Rays in War -- Index.

Thermographic investigation, infrared spectroscopy, radiography, electronic miscroscopy, and chemical analysis--all these scientific means have been used to prove or disprove that the image on the length of linen discovered in 1356 is that of Christ.