, also known as " Japaning" in the UK, is a Japanese decorative craft used in the creation of lacquerware and woodwork, though it can be applied to metal and other surfaces. The basic underpinnings of raden consist of variously applying the cut linings of mother-of-pearl, abalone, ivory, and other shells into the surface of the target lacquer or wood.
Usage examples of "raden".
It is approached by a road which scorns detours and runs straight from the glen highway, and it looks south over broken moorland to the shining links of the Larrig, and beyond them to the tributary vale of the Raden and the dark mountains of its source.
Then he suddenly remembered that alliance with Miss Janet Raden was treachery to his three guests.
Home beat--all the low ground of the Raden glen and the little hills behind the house.
I met one of the Raden girls to-day--the younger--she was on the bank when I fell into the Larrig.
Half an hour later Benjie left, with every sign of amity, and drove very slowly down the woodland road towards the haugh where the Raden, sweeping from the narrows of the glen, spreads into broad pools and shining shallows.
Colonel Raden, having made a satisfactory breakfast, was lighting a pipe.
Colonel Raden departed from his study, after summoning Macpherson to that shrine of the higher thought, and Janet Raden, after one or two brief domestic interviews, collected her two terriers and set out for her morning walk.
Her road led her by a brawling torrent through the famous GlenRaden beechwood to the spongy meadows of the haugh, beyond which could be seen the shining tides of the Raden sweeping to the high-backed bridge across which ran the road to Carnmore.
I cannot think that Colonel Raden would object to my using it when I encounter such obstacles.
Ring, the young people sauntered to the Raden bridge and appeared to be deep in converse.
As Janet stood on the rise before the bridge of Raden with her hat removed to let the faint south-west wind cool her forehead, she looked upon a scene of utter loneliness and peace.
The main fortress seemed not only unassailed but unassailable, and Colonel Raden viewed the morrow with equanimity.
She sat on the bridge and watched the Raden waters pass from gold to amethyst and from amethyst to purple, and then sauntered back through the sweet-smelling dusk.
She wandered through the deep heather of the Maam to where the great woods began that dipped to the Raden glen.
Reassured, she lazily scanned the sleeping haugh, with the glittering Raden in the middle distance, and beyond the wooded slopes of the other side of the glen.