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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ This suggests that self-stimulation can, to some extent, be competed out by engagement in purposeful activities.
▪ There must be a belief that, through purposeful activity, the objectives can be achieved.
▪ Think how time flies in periods of intense, purposeful activity.
▪ Even playtime breaks and lunch time seemed to be lost in a day of intense and purposeful activity.
▪ For young children, workbooks are often not purposeful enough.
▪ And sometimes no purposeful movements result, in which case we talk of deep coma.
▪ Even an outsider felt it, the nervous excitement that translated into endless, purposeful motion.
▪ Examples of purposeful and pleasurable uses of print should be displayed in classrooms, foyers and school libraries.
▪ The very act of looking or listening involves organized, purposeful movement patterns.
▪ Their eyes are yellow, their focus unsteady and their stride is either exaggeratedly purposeful or shambling.
▪ They make life meaningful and purposeful.
▪ Think how time flies in periods of intense, purposeful activity.
▪ This material forms the basis of planning for purposeful social work activity.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

meaningful \meaningful\ adj. Having a meaning or purpose; having significance; as, a meaningful explanation; a meaningful discussion; a meaningful pause; to live a meaningful life. Opposite of meaningless. [Narrower terms: comprehensible, understandable; indicative, significative, suggestive ; {meaty, substantive ; {purposeful] Also See: purposeful, significant, important.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1835, from purpose (n.) + -ful. Related: Purposefully.


a. 1 Having purpose; intentional. 2 Having a purpose in mind; resolute; determined.

  1. adj. serving as or indicating the existence of a purpose or goal [ant: purposeless]

  2. having meaning through having an aim; "led a happy purposeful life"

Usage examples of "purposeful".

By meeting the attack of the dog in a purposeful and attentive manner, we cause the otherwise damming-up nervous energy to continue flowing into ordinary channels, and in this way prevent both the feeling of fear and also the flow of the energy into the motor centres associated with the particular emotion.

Then she stepped on to the sidewalk, crossing it with purposeful stride and thrust open the batwing doors.

In the wake of the groundbreaking prose fiction written by members of the Natural school, literary realists in mid-nineteenth-century Russia were able to use food imagery and fictional meals in their works in less Rabelaisian and more mimetically purposeful ways: that is, as metonyms or synecdoches through which to describe contemporary social reality.

Like an outclassed warrior seeking only to hold his foe at bay as long as he could, he withstood or beat aside wizardry that would have devastated a stronger but less purposeful magician.

A long clerestory of a hundred purple and brown panes admitted a warm umbrous light which enhanced the quality of posts, beams and panels, enriched the dark red cloth which covered the tables, and as if by purposeful chiaroscuro dramatized the features of the other persons in the room.

His sideways progress was purposeful, undelayed by any consideration but the safest place for his hands and feet.

Now Bel and Ria merged into Bel Ria, a composed purposeful little figure who was often to be seen on the back roads between Devonport and The Cedars, trotting along in his uneven but fast gait, looking neither to left nor to right, undiverted by other dogs, even interesting smells, intent only on reaching his alternative world.

He gave Adar a little bow of politeness between not-quite equals with the blandly purposeful expression that caused his opponents to seriously underestimate his intelligence.

It was good to be back in that calm, purposeful, well-ordered world, where an atmosphere of assured competence prevailed and questions of life and death were discussed in cool, measured undertones.

From sharp, backswept horns, to wide, slitted eyes, to fanged mouths, their heads were alien and as purposeful as the pack of beasts that had chased the Heralds across the Plains.

As she stumbled over rocks and slipped on the muddy earth, her anger mounted with every step she took, an anger that grew into a grim, purposeful determination to settle the score, barehanded if need be, just as soon as they could reach Eucher Butte.

Bob came back tall, lanky, grinny, and rather dumb, and he found John undersized, wiry, masterful, and rather mooney, but strong and purposeful, for a boy.

It is as if, for Meursault, such random elements in his surroundings are no different from the seemingly purposeful acts he performs.

Drummond could see the oilskinned figures grouping around her triple-mounted torpedo tubes, the purposeful way they were even now turning athwartships.

After that we cast off all allegiance to immediate, tangible, and time-touched things, and entered a fantastic world of hushed unreality in which the narrow, ribbon-like road rose and fell and curved with an almost sentient and purposeful caprice amidst the tenantless green peaks and half-deserted valleys.