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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Pterocarpus dalbergioides

Redwood \Red"wood`\ (-w[oo^]d`), n. (Bot.)

  1. A gigantic coniferous tree ( Sequoia sempervirens) of California, and its light and durable reddish timber. See Sequoia.

  2. An East Indian dyewood, obtained from Pterocarpus santalinus, C[ae]salpinia Sappan, and several other trees.

    Note: The redwood of Andaman is Pterocarpus dalbergioides; that of some parts of tropical America, several species of Erythoxylum; that of Brazil, the species of Humirium.

Pterocarpus dalbergioides

Pterocarpus dalbergioides, the Andaman padauk, Andaman redwood or East Indian mahogany, is a species of legume in the Fabaceae family. It is sometimes called "narra", but this is just a generic term used for any of several Pterocarpus species.

It is found only in India.