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Ptahmose or Ptahmes may refer to:

  • Ptahmose I (High Priest of Ptah), during the time of Thutmose III
  • Ptahmose II (High Priest of Ptah), during the time of Thutmose IV
  • Ptahmose, son of Menkheper, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis during the time of Thutmose IV and/or Amenhotep III
  • Ptahmose, son of Thutmose, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis during the time of Thutmose IV and/or Amenhotep III
  • Ptahmose (vizier), High Priest of Amun and Vizier of Upper Egypt, under Amenhotep III
  • Ptahmose (treasurer), under Amenhotep III
  • Ptahmose, an official under Ramesses II, known for his tomb (see Tomb of Ptahmes)
Ptahmose (vizier)

Ptahmose was a High Priest of Amun and Vizier of southern Egypt-( Upper Egypt), under Amenhotep III ( 18th Dynasty). Certain historians place him at the end of the reign in 1378 BC. Others place him in the first part of the reign.

Ptahmose (treasurer)

Ptahmose was Overseer of the seals (= treasurer) under Amenhotep III, during the 18th Dynasty of Egypt.

He probably officiated at the very end of the reign of Amenhotep III and was the successor of Meryre in his office.

Ptahmose is attested only by a dark granite statue from Thebes, dedicated to him by his son Hj and now in Florence (inv. 1791), and by an inscription on a vessel from Malkata. This inscription proves that he was treasurer at the time of the first Sed festival of Amenhotep III (i.e. the Year 30 of this pharaoh).

The location of Ptahmose's tomb is unknown.