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n. (plural of psychiatrist English)

Usage examples of "psychiatrists".

The faculty has included psychiatrists, probation officers, ministers, paediatricians, educators, psychologists, and an obstetrician, all using the same language, P-A-C.

So in 1933 we sent all the psychiatrists to chop down trees in the forests of Siberia where, incidentally, lumber production was reduced by thirty-five per cent on their arrival.

Although hundreds of thousands of words about psychiatry are consumed by the public yearly, there has been little convincing data to help a person in need of treatment overcome the cartoon image of psychiatrists and their mystical couches.

Space belongs to the astronauts, understanding human behaviour belongs to the psychologists and psychiatrists, legislation belongs to the congressmen, and whether or not we should have a baby belongs to the theologians.

Leonard Schatzman, a medical sociologist at the University of California Medical Center, in 1966 completed a field study of fifteen medical centres over a period of eight years concentrating on psychiatrists and their staffs.

A group of forty psychiatrists who studied the project predicted one-tenth of one per cent.

Catholic priests and psychiatrists are looked upon with deep suspicion.

Anyway, the Department , runs a hospital with tame psychiatrists for cases like mine.

Sadly for his seventeen victims and the countless family members and friends they left behind, the subject would not be broached until he was being interviewed by a battery of court-appointed psychiatrists, having already transformed himself into a skillful killer.

And he gets extremely upset over the fact that some psychiatrists persist in suggesting that his level of arousal was greatly intensified by the act of killing.

I had confused his words as much as some of the psychiatrists had in the past.

With a host of publicity-seeking lawyers visiting him daily, Joel terminated the services of Sale, even though Sale had already conferred with a host of forensic psychiatrists and set up a battery of tests that could have laid the groundwork for a successful insanity defense.

Eliminating the other nineteen psychiatrists was simpler than Harry and I thought it would be.

But in August, plus the first week in September, Glass claims that ninety percent of the Miami analysts, psychologists and psychiatrists, go on their vacations to North Carolina.

Mental health providers in America are more likely by about two-to-one to be social workers than either psychiatrists or PhD psychologists.