n. (context US prison slang English) An improvised alcoholic drink made by fermenting whatever ingredients are available.
n. a liquor concocted from a mixture of ingredients (such as prunes and raisins and milk and sugar) that can be fermented to produce alcohol; made by prison inmates
Pruno, or prison wine, is an alcoholic beverage variously made from apples, oranges, fruit cocktail, candy, ketchup, sugar, milk, and possibly other ingredients, including crumbled bread. Bread supposedly provides the yeast for the pruno to ferment. Pruno originated in (and remains largely confined to) prisons and jails, where it can be produced with the limited selection of equipment and ingredients available to inmates. The concoction can be made using only a plastic bag, hot running water, and a towel or sock to conceal the pulp during fermentation. The end result has been colorfully described as a "bile flavored wine-cooler", although flavor is often not the primary objective. Depending on the time spent fermenting (always balanced against the risk of discovery by the officers), the sugar content, and the quality of the ingredients and preparation, pruno's alcohol content by volume can range from as low as 2% (equivalent to a very weak beer) to as high as 14% (equivalent to a strong wine).
Pruno is a forest in the Campania region of southern Italy. It is the largest woodlands of central Cilento region. The hamlets ( frazioni) with this name are situated in the municipalities of Valle dell'Angelo, Laurino and Piaggine.
Pruno represents one of the most unpolluted natural areas of Campania and also one of the lesser inhabited territories of Southern Italy. It is protected within the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, and is part of the Cilento World Heritage Site.