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n. An adrenergic compound that is a sympathomimetic with varied medicinal uses.


Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex, Obesin) is a stimulant drug that is used medicinally as a nasal decongestant (for relief of congestion due to colds, allergies and allergic rhinitis) and recreationally for its psychostimulant effects. Being a vasoconstrictor used to decongest nasal mucosa, it is administered by inhalation.

Propylhexedrine is most commonly found in over-the-counter Benzedrex inhalers. Benzedrex was first manufactured by Smith, Kline and French after the Benzedrine inhaler, which contained racemic amphetamine, became unavailable following the placement of amphetamines on the US Schedule II status (highest abuse potential, yet with accepted medicinal uses). Benzedrex is currently manufactured by B.F. Ascher & Co. Inc. Pharmaceuticals.

Propylhexedrine has also seen use in Europe as an appetite suppressant under the trade name Obesin and in the anticonvulsant preparation barbexaclone its S-isomer ( levopropylhexedrine or L-propylhexedrine) is bonded with phenobarbital for the purpose of offsetting the barbiturate-induced sedation. Levopropylhexedrine is also used as an anorectic under the brand name Eventin.