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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
the princely sum of ... (=a large amount – often used humorously to mean a small amount)
▪ They were surviving on the princely sum of £50 a week.
▪ For the princely sum of $8 million you too could live in a mansion like this.
▪ Our local CAA-approved doctor charges the princely sum of £65 for similar services.
▪ Like the other outreach workers Saturday, Harris earned the princely sum of $ 24 for her hours of outreach.
▪ And young activists can win the princely sum of £100 if they come up with the winning slogan.
▪ Eventually, they were returned to Quedlinburg, but not before the heirs of Joe Meador had collected a princely sum.
▪ This was a princely sum in the year of our Lord, 1926.
▪ Tim is doing a one-year cabinetmaking course with me and paying a princely sum for the pleasure of doing it.
▪ The result was that it had been increased only twice and now stood at the princely sum of £30.
▪ They would happily pay out princely sums for completely new garments made from superior imported cloths.
▪ a princely gift
▪ the princely states
▪ As the number of these dwindled, princely jurisdiction apparently reached its low point.
▪ Head up, a princely posture.
▪ It is she who is the target of the fundamentalists, from the most princely to the most popular.
▪ Problems were now far more likely to arise in determining the rights of succession among competing members of a princely family.
▪ The evolution of a rudimentary bureaucracy was, by 1180, the distinguishing feature of royal and princely administrations.
▪ The Fatimids gave their princely fabrics the color of light; their robes and turbans were white and gold.
▪ When the leaves turn colour and the berry clusters are ripe, the rowan is a princely sight.
▪ Yet as the century wore on, their military character ceased to be the exclusive distinguishing feature of princely households.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Princely \Prince"ly\, a.

  1. Of or relating to a prince; regal; royal; of highest rank or authority; as, princely birth, character, fortune, etc.

  2. Suitable for, or becoming to, a prince; grand; august; munificent; magnificent; as, princely virtues; a princely fortune. ``Most princely gifts.''


Princely \Prince"ly\, adv. In a princely manner.

My appetite was not princely got.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1500, "of a prince," from prince + -ly (2). Meaning "sumptuous, magnificent" is from 1530s.


a. 1 Relating to a prince; regal; royal. 2 Befitting a prince. adv. In the manner of a royal prince's conduct.

  1. adj. rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded dining rooms" [syn: deluxe, gilded, luxurious, opulent, sumptuous]

  2. having the rank of or befitting a prince; "a princely bearing"; "princely manner"

  3. [also: princeliest, princelier]


Usage examples of "princely".

There was less doubt about his religious vocation, and when by help of his princely inheritance he turned his mind to the difficult task of reforming vice and ministering to the lowest aspects of misery in the slums of Rome, society said he had turned Socialist.

Calton palace,--the satellites of the heir apparent, the brave, the witty, and the gay,--the soul-inspiring, mirthful band, whose talents gave a splendid lustre to the orb of royalty, far surpassing the most costly jewel in his princely coronet.

Townes that her Maiestie willed, and according to her Soueraigne auctoritie in her Dominions, commanded that they shoulde forbeare from thenceforth, from the beginning of the moneth of Ianuarie last past from carying of corne, and generally of all prouision of warre, cables, mastes, and like marchandise into Spaine and Portingall, whereby the enemie of her Kingdome might be the better furnished, vnder the paine of losse both of ships and goods, to be inflicted vpon such, as should violate this her princely commandement.

Oh he was princely indeed: that came out more and more with every word he said and with the particular way he said it, and Maisie could feel his monitress stiffen almost with anguish against the increase of his spell and then hurl herself as a desperate defence from it into the quite confessed poorness of violence, of iteration.

Rafeyo produced a vial of the princely urine and Zevierin handed over twenty long strands from the princessly hairbrush.

With his short, well-groomed black hair, clean-shaven hawklike features that had set many of the women of the court atwitter, quick mind, and a bearing more princely than any prince in the Alliance, it was not at all surprising that everyone involved in the Alterac situation had taken to him, Genn Greymane included.

The sun had just risen on one of the loveliest vales of Caernarvonshire, as a travelling chaise and six swept up to the door of a princely mansion, so situated as to command a prospect of the fertile and extensive domains, the rental of which filled the coffers of its rich owner, having a beautiful view of the Irish channel in the distance.

Seeing that the Capellmeister at Eisenstadt, by name Gregorius Werner, having devoted many years of true and faithful service to the princely house, is now, on account of his great age and infirmities, unfit to perform the duties incumbent on him, therefore the said Gregorious Werner, in consideration of his long services, shall retain the post of Capellmeister, and the said Joseph Heyden as Vice-Capellmeister shall, as far as regards the music of the choir, be subordinate to the Capellmeister and receive his instructions.

We had a princely dinner, as my landlord had made each of the three courses a work of art.

Leaving the office, making his way towards the Hofburg, Marek saw a group of tourists outside the Stallburg waiting for the Lipizzaners to be led from the Spanish Riding School back to their princely stable.

Showed them her ritual service and taught them her mysteries, even Diodes, princely Triptolemus, and Polyxenus, the solemn Mysteries, which are unthinkable either to question or utter Or to transgress: for a holy respect checks the utterance of them.

Father was too tightfisted to hire extra help for me, and too full of pride to settle for anything less than a princely wedding feast.

Never to join to thy warriors armed for the press of the conflict, Never for ambush forth with the princeliest sons of Achaia Dared thy soul, for to thee that thing would have looked as a deathstroke.

Their appetites were princely and swept over the little inn like a conflagration.

Nevertheless, it was with a heavy heart that I bade adieu to poor Lady Ashby, and left her in her princely home.