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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A presumptive diagnosis of gout can often be made on the basis of hyperuricemia and the clinical presentation.
▪ A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
▪ An erect abdominal x ray showed no free gas but a presumptive diagnosis of perforation was made.
▪ Bob Dole, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
▪ His youngest son John was to be betrothed to the Count's daughter and heiress presumptive.
▪ Normally, they punish the presumptive nominee in the late primaries.
▪ These are the considerations justifying a presumptive privilege for Presidential communications.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Presumptive \Pre*sump"tive\, a. [Cf. F. pr['e]somptif.]

  1. Based on presumption or probability; grounded on probable evidence; probable; as, presumptive proof.

  2. Presumptuous; arrogant. [R.]
    --Sir T. Browne.

    Presumptive evidence (Law), that which is derived from circumstances which necessarily or usually attend a fact, as distinct from direct evidence or positive proof; indirect or circumstantial evidence. ``Presumptive evidence of felony should be cautiously admitted.''
    --Blackstone. The distinction, however, between direct and presumptive (or circumstantial) evidence is now generally abandoned; all evidence being now more or less direct and more or less presumptive.

    Presumptive heir. See Heir presumptive, under Heir.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"speculative," mid-15c., from French présomptif (15c.), from Medieval Latin presumptivus, from Late Latin praesumptivus, from Latin praesumpt- past participle stem of praesumere (see presume). The heir presumptive (1620s) is "presumed" to be the heir if the heir apparent is unavailable. Related: Presumptively.


a. 1 Based on presumption, probability, conjecture, hypothesis or belief 2 making presumptions; behaving as one who presumes, who assumes that which they perhaps shouldn't.

  1. adj. having a reasonable basis for belief or acceptance; "the presumptive heir (or heir apparent)"

  2. affording reasonable grounds for belief or acceptance; "presumptive evidence"; "a strong presumptive case is made out"


Presumptive may refer to:

  • Heir presumptive, a person who is expected to inherit a throne, peerage, or other hereditary honor, but their position can be displaced by the birth of another person with a better claim to the position.
  • Presumptive nominee, a person who is candidate for President who has not yet received a party nomination, but is expected to receive that nomination in the near future.
  • Speaker-presumptive, a person who is not yet the speaker of a parliament, but is expected to become the speaker in the near future
  • The Presumptive Tax Regime in Pakistan.
  • Presumptive mood, or irrealis mood, a grammatical mood.

Usage examples of "presumptive".

Crispus, the eldest son of Constantine, and the presumptive heir of the empire, is represented by impartial historians as an amiable and accomplished youth.

The apostate soon became the presumptive heir of the monarchy, and his death could alone have appeased the just apprehensions of the Christians.

He saw that Robert counted as best friends such men as Robert of Belesme, a man already famous for his bloodthirsty unscrupulousness, and Edgar the Aetheling, who had once been heir presumptive of England long before the Conquest.

As soon as my uniformed father was out of sight and before the civilian, whom I already looked upon as my presumptive father, should arrive, I consequently slipped out of the house and drummed my way toward the Maiwiese.

Five more patients had been admitted during the night with a presumptive diagnosis of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever.

We dined with Dr. Butter, whose lady is daughter of my cousin Sir John Douglas, whose grandson is now presumptive heir of the noble family of Queensberry.

An heir presumptive in direct line of succession to the clan chieftainship staffed a yacht or a plane.

As soon as he reached Tiberias in Palestine, he was apprised of the sickness and danger of the caliph, by a private message from Soliman, his brother and presumptive heir.

And that tenderness be used towards those accused, relating to matters presumptive and convictive, and also to privacy in Examinations, and to consult Mr.

Kater, to old man Heilandt, who slaughtered Fritz' rabbits for Mother Truczinski on holidays, to my presumptive father Matzerath, who, generous as he could be at times, defrayed a good half of the funeral expenses, even to Jan Bronski, who hardly knew Herbert and had only come to see Matzerath and perhaps myself on neutral cemetery ground.

But as soon as Maria of Antioch had given a son and heir to the empire, the presumptive rights of Bela were abolished, and he was deprived of his promised bride.

Nigel occupied the chair at the opposite end of the table, as heir presumptive, with Conall as an unofficial observer at his right.

Knight-General of the King's Armies, heir presumptive to the throne of Rillanon.

In 10077, Duke Minos died suddenly chok mg on a piece of beef and his eldest son Paulos succeeded Mintor the next eldest son, was heir presumptive but never expected to reach the throne since his brother was young vigorous and likely to have children of his own Therefore, he requested his brother's permission to represent the Duchy as a roving ambassador and to receive imh tary training at various academies throughout the Imperium His request was readily granted He spent the next ten years learning about weapons, shields, self defense politics and bull-fighting One of his companions from that period recalls He was loll, not quite handsome, a bit of a rake .

Nothing could be more interesting than the approaching nuptials of the heiress presumptive to the throne.