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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
press conference
▪ In a press conference, Bush supporters used the strongest language so far to impugn the legitimacy of the continued Florida recounts.
▪ In an attempt to quieten things down, executive producer George Harrison arranged for a press conference in London.
▪ Meciar held a press conference on June 28 to outline changes in government structure similar to those approved by the federal Cabinet.
▪ Mr Major fidgeted nervously throughout a press conference with Mr Mulroney.
▪ Muskie defended her in an emotional press conference, and a tear or two escaped.
press conference

n. A question and answer session with members of television, print and other media.

press conference

n. a conference at which press and tv reporters ask questions of a politician or other celebrity [syn: news conference]

Press Conference (TV series)

Press Conference was a public-affairs television series aired in the United States in the mid-1950s.

Press Conference was similar in format and content to the long-running Meet the Press and was moderated by one of that program's creators, pioneering female journalist Martha Rountree. On the program, a current newsmaker, generally but not always a politician, was questioned by a panel of newspersons in a typical press conference format. As usually done in a traditional press conference, the subject was allowed to make an opening statement (although not all chose to do so) prior to fielding questions.

Press Conference was launched on NBC in July 1956, but that fall moved to ABC. Initially shown in prime time, the program drew only a minimal, public-affairs oriented audience running against two high-profile Sunday night variety series, The Ed Sullivan Show on CBS and The Steve Allen Show on NBC; however, its appearance helped ABC to meet the public-interest requirements imposed on U.S broadcasters by the Federal Communications Commission. Press Conference was moved to Sunday afternoon for three months in early 1957, prior to returning to prime time in April of that year under a new title, Martha Rountree's Press Conference. The program ended in July 1957.

Usage examples of "press conference".

The next morning, at the Intercontinental Hotel near Lake Geneva, in the shadow of the Swiss Alps, Kantor held a press conference.

On another TV, he watched CNN replay excerpts from a press conference with White House Press Secretary Chuck Murray at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado.

Sec-retary General watching the press conference in Paris with members of the French Parliament.

You ought to give us a press conference once in a while, you'd win us over.