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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Praise \Praise\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Praised; p. pr. & vb. n. Praising.] [OE. preisen, OF. preisier, prisier, F. priser, L. pretiare to prize, fr. pretium price. See Price, n., and cf. Appreciate, Praise, n., Prize, v.]

  1. To commend; to applaud; to express approbation of; to laud; -- applied to a person or his acts. ``I praise well thy wit.''

    Let her own works praise her in the gates.
    --Prov. xxxi. 31.

    We praise not Hector, though his name, we know, Is great in arms; 't is hard to praise a foe.

  2. To extol in words or song; to magnify; to glorify on account of perfections or excellent works; to do honor to; to display the excellence of; -- applied especially to the Divine Being.

    Praise ye him, all his angels; praise ye him, all his hosts!
    --Ps. cxlviii. 2.

  3. To value; to appraise. [Obs.]
    --Piers Plowman.

    Syn: To commend; laud; eulogize; celebrate; glorify; magnify.

    Usage: To Praise, Applaud, Extol. To praise is to set at high price; to applaud is to greet with clapping; to extol is to bear aloft, to exalt. We may praise in the exercise of calm judgment; we usually applaud from impulse, and on account of some specific act; we extol under the influence of high admiration, and usually in strong, if not extravagant, language.


n. An act of giving praise. vb. (present participle of praise English)


adj. full of or giving praise; "a laudatory remark" [syn: laudatory, praiseful]

Usage examples of "praising".

Therese, seeing that he was posing as master of the field, and that his manners disgusted me, began to snub him, much to his displeasure, and after sneering at the poorness of the dishes, and praising the wine which he had supplied, he went out leaving us to finish our dessert by ourselves.

They proceeded to sit down and I began to take off their shoes, praising the beauty of their legs, and pretending for the present not to want to go farther than the knee.

In accordance with the plot I had laid against the count, I began by shewing myself demonstratively fond of Betty, envying the fortunate lover, praising his heroic behaviour in leaving her to me, and so forth.

Just as she was praising her husband, and telling me how happy she was, he came in, saying he was delighted to see me and asked me to stay in his house, without enquiring whether my stay in Dunkirk would be a long or short one.

Perine came up, and praising my noble generosity, would have put his arms around my neck and kissed me.

One evening he complained of his mistress praising the beauty of the stars which were shining brightly over her head, saying that she ought to know he could not give them to her.

After dinner he talked a good deal about Venice, praising the Government, and saying that there was not a town in the world where a man could fare better, provided he took care to get good oil and foreign wines.

I gave her courage, however, by dint of praising those charms which the white and beautiful hands could not hide, and at last I persuaded her to come and lie beside me.

One day we happened to be eating woodcock, and I could not help praising the dish in the style of the true gourmand.

Therefore he wrote to Bavois that he would join him immediately, and two days after he took leave of me, weeping abundantly, praising highly the virtues of my soul, calling me his son, his dear son, and assuring me that his great affection for me had been caused by the mark of election which he had seen on my countenance.

After praising her for the clever manner in which she had contrived to write to me, in spite of superior orders, I made her understand how careful she was to be to avoid being surprised while she was writing, because in such a case her room would certainly be searched and all her papers seized.

As I was praising the noble calmness with which a certain prince had lost a thousand roubles to him, he laughed and said that the fine gamester I had mentioned played upon credit but never paid.

I interrupted her by praising her modesty, and telling her that she would have done quite right to beware of me, if my sense of duty had not been stronger than any voluptuous desires inspired by her charms.

Nanette laughed louder, but I kept very serious, and I went on talking to her sister, and praising her sincerity.

I owe you no thanks for praising it so highly, as you made me lose four hours in reading nonsense.