Crossword clues for praiseful
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Praiseful \Praise"ful\, a. Praiseworthy. [Obs.]
a. 1 praiseworthy 2 full of praise for others
Usage examples of "praiseful".
I do not know how many xochimíque were slain and drained there, before the first of their blood sluggishly oozed into view of the waiting Ahuítzotl and his priests, all of whom sent up a praiseful cheer at the sight.
But when some bit of play made the favored spectators inside the court cry a praiseful "ayyo!
Florian gave a florid speech, with many praiseful references to France's own Montgolfier inventors of the aérostat, and many compliments to the daring of the Montgolfiers' successors, Messieurs Roulette and Nadar.
In fact, instead of reflecting that ’every brick and every stone in this beautiful edifice represents an ache or a pain, and a handful of sweat, and hours of heavy fatigue, contributed by the back and forehead and bones of poverty,’ it is our habit to forget these things entirely, and merely glorify the mighty temple itself, without vouchsafing one praiseful thought to its humble builder, whose rich heart and withered purse it symbolizes.