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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Plenteous \Plen"te*ous\, a. [From Plenty.]

  1. Containing plenty; abundant; copious; plentiful; sufficient for every purpose; as, a plenteous supply. ``Reaping plenteous crop.''

  2. Yielding abundance; productive; fruitful. ``The seven plenteous years.''
    --Gen. xli. 34.

  3. Having plenty; abounding; rich.

    The Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods.
    --Deut. xxviii. 11.

    Syn: Plentiful; copious; full. See Ample. [1913 Webster] -- Plen"te*ous*ly, adv. -- Plen"te*ous*ness, n.


n. An abundant supply; abundance


n. a full supply; "there was plenty of food for everyone" [syn: plenty, plentifulness, plenitude, plentitude]

Usage examples of "plenteousness".

Fight Thou mightily for me, and drive forth the evil beasts, so call I alluring lusts, that peace may be within Thy walls and plenteousness of praise within Thy palaces,(3) even in my pure conscience.

Pray therefore humbly unto the Lord that He will give thee the spirit of compunction and say in the language of the prophet, Feed me, O Lord, with bread of tears, and give me plenteousness of tears to drink.