n. (plural of plastic art English)
Plastic arts are art forms which involve physical manipulation of a plastic medium by moulding or modeling such as sculpture or ceramics. The term has also been applied more broadly to all the visual arts (such as painting, sculpture, film and photography).
Materials for use in the plastic arts, in the narrower definition, include those that can be carved or shaped, such as stone or wood, concrete, or metal. " Plastics" meaning certain synthetic organic resins have been used ever since they were invented, but the term "plastic arts" long preceded them. The term should not be confused with Piet Mondrian's concept of " Neoplasticism".
Usage examples of "plastic arts".
Almost all of them were well-dressed, for the better-class Amsterdam night-clubs -- those which still manage to cater devotedly to the refined palates of the jaded connoisseurs of certain of the plastic arts -- are not for those who are on relief.
From the records of religion and the surviving monuments of poetry and the plastic arts it is very plain that, at most times and in most places, men have attached more importance to the inscape than to objective existents, have felt that what they saw with their eyes shut possessed a spiritually higher significance than what they saw with their eyes open.
These new movements in the plastic arts correspond to similar movements in the literary arts, especially in poetry.
Or Image Presentation, listed in the calendar as a sub-branch of Pictorial and Plastic Arts.
But Italy knows him as an expert in the plastic arts, and Germany admires in him a master in chemical science.