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Pirwa (or Peruwa) is a Hittite deity whose nature is poorly understood. He/she is sometimes referred to as "queen", though archaeologists believe he/she was a male god.

The name may derive from the Hittite peruna or "cliff", and the Pirwa worship seems to have involved horses and horse-related symbols. The deity may also be a reflex of the Proto-Indo-European deity Perkwunos.

Pirwa (Peru)

Pirwa ( Aymara and Quechua for granary, deposit, hispanicized spelling Pirhua) is a mountain in the Andes of Peru, about high. It is located in the Arequipa Region, Caylloma Province, Tisco District. It lies northwest of Jañuma Pirwa.

Two intermittent streams named Nañuma ("slim water") and Wiluma ("red water") originate south of the mountain. They flow to the Pirwamayu in the south. The Pirwamayu ( Quechua for "granary river") is a right affluent of the Qullqa River.