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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pintail \Pin"tail`\, n.

  1. (Zo["o]l.) A northern duck ( Dafila acuta), native of both continents. The adult male has a long, tapering tail. Called also gray duck, piketail, piket-tail, spike-tail, split-tail, springtail, sea pheasant, and gray widgeon.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) The sharp-tailed grouse of the great plains and Rocky Mountains ( Pedioc[ae]tes phasianellus); -- called also pintailed grouse, pintailed chicken, springtail, and sharptail.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

type of duck, 1767, from pin (n.1) + tail (n.).


n. 1 A pintail duck, a type of dabbling duck with a characteristic pointed tail. 2 # A northern pintail, ''Anas acuta'', a dabbling duck of the northern hemisphere that has a long pointed tail. 3 A pin-tailed snipe, ''Gallinago stenura''. 4 (cx engineering English) (rfdef: English)


n. long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers [syn: pin-tailed duck, Anas acuta]


Pintail may refer to:

A group of dabbling ducks containing:

  • Northern pintail (Anas acuta), sometimes called the pintail, the most common pintail species
  • White-cheeked pintail (Anas bahamensis), from the Caribbean, South America and the Galápagos
  • Yellow-billed pintail (Anas georgica), found from southern Colombia to South Georgia
  • South Georgia pintail, (Anas georgica georgica), the nominate race of the yellow-billed pintail
  • Eaton's pintail (Anas eatoni), from the islands of Kerguelen and Crozet
  • Silver Bahama pintail (Ana bahamernisis), fairly large duck, both male and female have white cheeks and throats, the rest of the body is light brown feet and legs are gray

In other birds:

  • Pin-tailed snipe (Gallinago stenura), a small stocky wader

In other uses:

  • Fairey Pintail, a British single-engined floatplane fighter
  • Haynes Pintail canard-configuration ultralight aircraft
  • Pintail Island, Nunavut, Canada
  • USS Pintail (AMc-17), a U.S. Navy minesweeper
  • Pintail Duck, a member of Disney's Duck family

Usage examples of "pintail".

He even went shooting, for numerous birds had been introduced into the crypt -- pintails, snipes, ducks, who fed on the fish which swarmed in the deep waters.

Actually, left to right, they're a merganser, a pintail, and a lesser scaup.

You could see pintails, teal, widgeon, both males and females in winter plumage, and there were wild ducks that I had never seen with plumage as delicate and complicated as our wood ducks.