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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pink \Pink\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pinked; p. pr. & vb. n. Pinking.] [OE. pinken to prick, probably a nasalized form of pick.]

  1. To pierce with small holes; to cut the edge of, as cloth or paper, in small scallops or angles.

  2. To stab; to pierce as with a sword.

  3. To choose; to cull; to pick out. [Obs.]


Pinking \Pink"ing\, n.

  1. The act of piercing or stabbing.

  2. The act or method of decorating fabrics or garments with a pinking iron; also, the style of decoration; scallops made with a pinking iron. Pinking iron.

    1. An instrument for scalloping the edges of ribbons, flounces, etc.

    2. A sword. [Colloq.]


n. Decoration by adding holes or scalloping. vb. (present participle of pink English)


Pinking may refer to:

  • Engine knocking
  • Pinking shears
  • An alternative name for pargeting

Usage examples of "pinking".

An English squire excelling his fellows at hazardous leaps in public, he was additionally a polished whisperer, a lively dialoguer, one for witty bouts, with something in him--capacity for a drive and dig or two--beyond mere wit, as they soon learned who called up his reserves, and had a bosom for pinking.

Certes I know some ale-knights so much addicted thereunto that they will not cease from morrow until even to visit the same, cleansing house after house, till they defile themselves, and either fall quite under the board, or else, not daring to stir from their stools sit still pinking with their narrow eyes, as half sleeping, till the fume of their adversary be digested that he may go to it afresh.

There was silence in the tiny ward, except for the pinking of the galvanized iron roof as it expanded in the noon heat.

My embroidery hoops and a pair of pinking shears in an oilcloth sheath hung around my neck, threatening myself and others in the push and shove.

Stinson was fifteen pounds over what the glossy magazines recommended, with salt-and-pepper hair that looked as if it had been cut with pinking shears.

A few yards of calico lay on the table, near them a pair of pinking shears.

Let me tell you what happened when Del ran into this chick with these pinking shears.

Sharp cracks with sawtooth edges like pinking shears zigzagged across the ice and extended into the camp.

The clerk Kovac badged was a girl with a hp ring, cat-eye glasses, and maroon hair that looked as if a five-year-old had hacked at it with a pinking shears.

But she discussed patterns and pinking shears and other technical matters with growing enthusiasm, as Jacqueline's skillful questions drew her out.

There, among my dead lizards, dragonflies, and fallen nests, was Miss Zora's dove, snipped to hell and back with Mama's pinking shears.

They include assorted needles, scissors, pinking shears, sewing machines and irons.

She picked up a pair of pinking shears and began to cut along the straight edge, the scissors making a crunching sound against the wood floor.

In the September twilight, artists in work clothes smoked dope on a loading platform, a cluster of Spanish women headed home from the Triboro Pinking Shears Company.

It has all the features you expect of a provincial department store - low ceilings, tiny obscure departments, frayed carpets held down with strips of electrician's tape, a sense that this space was once occupied by about eleven different shops and dwellings all with slightly differentelevations - but it has the oddest assortment of things on sale: knicker elastic and collar snaps, buttons and pinking shears, six pieces of Portmeirion china, racks of clothing for very old people, a modest few rolls of carpet with the sort of patterns you get when you rub your eyes too hard, chests of drawers with a handle missing, wardrobes on which one of the doors quietly swings open fifteen seconds after you experimentally shut it.