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pilot film

Pilot \Pi"lot\, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who throws the lead. See Pail, and Lead a metal.]

  1. (Naut.) One employed to steer a vessel; a helmsman; a steersman.

  2. Specifically, a person duly qualified, and licensed by authority, to conduct vessels into and out of a port, or in certain waters, for a fixed rate of fees.

  3. Figuratively: A guide; a director of another through a difficult or unknown course.

  4. An instrument for detecting the compass error.

  5. The cowcatcher of a locomotive. [U.S.]

  6. (A["e]ronautics) One who flies, or is qualified to fly, an airplane, balloon, or other flying machine.

  7. (Mach.) A short plug at the end of a counterbore to guide the tool. Pilots are sometimes made interchangeable.

  8. (Mining) The heading or excavation of relatively small dimensions, first made in the driving of a larger tunnel.

  9. (Television) a filmed or taped episode of a proposed television series, produced as an example of the series. It may be shown only to those television broadcast executives who may decide whether to buy the rights to the series, or aired to test viewer reaction or to interest sponsors. Also called pilot film or pilot tape. Pilot balloon, a small balloon sent up in advance of a large one, to show the direction and force of the wind. Pilot bird. (Zo["o]l.)

    1. A bird found near the Caribbee Islands; -- so called because its presence indicates to mariners their approach to these islands.

    2. The black-bellied plover. [Local, U.S.] Pilot boat, a strong, fast-sailing boat used to carry and receive pilots as they board and leave vessels. Pilot bread, ship biscuit. Pilot cloth, a coarse, stout kind of cloth for overcoats. Pilot engine, a locomotive going in advance of a train to make sure that the way is clear. Pilot fish. (Zo["o]l)

      1. A pelagic carangoid fish ( Naucrates ductor); -- so named because it is often seen in company with a shark, swimming near a ship, on account of which sailors imagine that it acts as a pilot to the shark.

      2. The rudder fish ( Seriola zonata). Pilot jack, a flag or signal hoisted by a vessel for a pilot. Pilot jacket, a pea jacket. Pilot nut (Bridge Building), a conical nut applied temporarily to the threaded end of a pin, to protect the thread and guide the pin when it is driven into a hole. --Waddell. Pilot snake (Zo["o]l.)

        1. A large North American snake ( Coluber obsoleus). It is lustrous black, with white edges to some of the scales. Called also mountain black snake.

        2. The pine snake.

          Pilot whale. (Zo["o]l.) Same as Blackfish, 1.

pilot film

n. a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors [syn: pilot program, pilot]

Usage examples of "pilot film".

Ned told me by phone that the contract is all set for the TV series and for me to do the pilot film shooting script.

In a pilot film, a cut-price exorcist was praying for a television series for himself.

They've done the pilot film of a TV series, in fact, based loosely on my career, starring my friend Manny Di Presso, a one-time lawyer who quit his firm to become an actor.

I had seen the pilot film at a science-fiction convention and had watched the show on television, but my only real quali-fications were first, that I had written about two dozen other science-fiction books, including a Hugo winner.

The pilot film, The Heart of the Elephant, was loosely based on Howard's story `The Tower of the Elephant' and featured a bizarre computer-created image of the late Richard Burton as the Cimmerian god Crom.

The pilot film, The Heart of the Elephant, was loosely based on Howards story The Tower of the Elephant and featured a bizarre computer-created image of the late Richard Burton as the Cimmerian god Crom.