The Collaborative International Dictionary
Pig \Pig\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Pigged; p. pr. & vb. n. Pigging.]
To bring forth (pigs); to bring forth in the manner of pigs; to farrow.
To huddle or lie together like pigs, in one bed.
damned (''used as a mild intensive''). n. The action of the verb ''to pig''. v
(present participle of pig English)
a coarse obnoxious person [syn: slob, sloven, slovenly person]
a person regarded as greedy and pig-like [syn: hog]
uncomplimentary terms for a policeman [syn: bull, cop, copper, fuzz]
mold consisting of a bed of sand in which pig iron is cast [syn: pig bed]
a crude block of metal (lead or iron) poured from a smelting furnace
See pig
Pigging in the context of pipelines refers to the practice of using devices known as "pigs" to perform various maintenance operations. This is done without stopping the flow of the product in the pipeline.
These operations include but are not limited to cleaning and inspecting the pipeline. This is accomplished by inserting the pig into a 'pig launcher' (or 'launching station') - an oversized section in the pipeline, reducing to the normal diameter. The launcher / launching station is then closed and the pressure-driven flow of the product in the pipeline is used to push it along down the pipe until it reaches the receiving trap – the 'pig catcher' (or 'receiving station').
Usage examples of "pigging".
And she said she had only ever heard Phil pigging Collins’s version, and who cares anyway?
While her heartbeat accelerated with excitement at the thought of sparring with him again, her head told her he had likely pulled up the list on the Web last night after they returned home from pigging out on small Chinese doughnuts.
When I saw them in the dining room, I tiptoed away and found one of the disposable cameras we’d been using that day to record the occasion for Jason’s campaign album—family stuff, celebrating a holiday, pigging out around a table loaded with all sorts of artery-clogging goodies, watching football.