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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Phyton \Phy"ton\, n.; pl. Phytons. [NL., fr. Gr. ? plant.] (Bot.) One of the parts which by their repetition make up a flowering plant, each being a single joint of a stem with its leaf or leaves; a phytomer.


n. (context botany English) One of the parts which by their repetition make up a flowering plant, each being a single joint of a stem with its leaf or leaves.


In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, Phyton is the Suel god of Nature, Beauty, and Farming. Phyton's symbol is a scimitar in front of an oak tree.

Usage examples of "phyton".

Annubi and others of rank in the Sarrasan procession were included, and all moved off to the nearest pavilion where sweetened wine was poured into golden phytons from amphorae sunk deep all day in a spring-fed pool.

Annubi and others of rank in the Sarrasan procession were included, and all moved off to the nearest pavilion where sweetened wine was poured into golden phytons from amphorae sunk deep all day in a spring-fed pool.