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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Photobacterium \Pho`to*bac*te"ri*um\, n. [NL. See Photo-, and Bacterium.] (Bacteriol.) A genus including certain comma-shaped marine bacteria which emit bluish or greenish phosphorescence. Also, any micro["o]rganism of this group.


n. Any of the genus (taxlink Photobacterium genus) of bioluminescent bacterium.


Photobacterium is a genus of gram-negative bacteria in the family Vibrionaceae. Members of the genus are bioluminescent, that is they have the ability to emit light.

Many species, including Photobacterium leiognathi and Photobacterium phosphoreum, live in symbiosis with marine organisms.

Species such as Photobacterium profundum are adapted for optimal growth in the deep cold seas making it both a psychrophile (an organism capable of growth and reproduction in cold temperatures) and a piezophile (an organism which thrives at high pressures).

Usage examples of "photobacterium".

Out of the general deterioration something grew like photobacteria, viruses made of integrated circuits.