n. a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school [syn: doctrine, philosophy, school of thought, ism]
Usage examples of "philosophical system".
While promising a philosophical system as rational, demonstrable and scientific as mathematics, Descartes began with the basic epistemological premise of every Witch Doctor (a premise he shared explicitly with Augustine): “.
In Voltaire's time, optimism had been turned into a philosophical system that believed everything already was for the best, no matter how terrible it seemed.
It would be accepted as a convention, and no one would incur the grave danger of building a philosophical system upon it.
The reduction of a philosophical system to the biographical vicissitudes of its creator is considered (I know something of this) an occupation as petty as it is unsporting.
We simply have no other type of philosophical system to program into it.
Although almost buried under explanations, very difficult to understand, about the phases of the moon, the central idea of his philosophical system seems to be our old friend, the cyclical universe, in which everything happens over and over again.
America's just the hardest-to-ignore instantiation of a cultural and philosophical system that can be seen in a few other places.
They try to remain nonjudgmental and uncommitted to any specific moral, legal, or philosophical system beyond the basic tenets of the druidic order.
And really, in our scientific day and age, to talk about subtle, pervasive dangers in a religious philosophical system .