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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
hold...personally responsible
▪ If anything happens to her, I’ll hold you personally responsible.
personally recommend
▪ Are there any hair colouring products you can personally recommend?
speaking personally
▪ Speaking personally, yes, this is a worry.
take sb/sth seriously/badly/personally etc
▪ I was joking, but he took me seriously.
▪ Ben took the news very badly.
▪ However, the members will be personally liable to the company to the full extent for the debts of the company.
▪ The initiative would make corporate officers and directors personally liable to pay court-ordered judgments.
▪ As Turbosoft were not a limited liability company, the proprietors are personally liable for the losses and could be made bankrupt.
▪ Here, as the name suggests, the members remain personally liable to meet the obligations of the company.
▪ In such circumstances councillors and officials can be sanctioned and made personally liable for misappropriated funds.
▪ Directors of limited companies are not personally liable for their companies' debts unless you get a guarantee from them.
▪ The mortgage made Mrs. Jones personally liable, as guarantor, to pay the £1,000.
▪ As agent for the owner he was not personally liable under the Act.
▪ We are, each of us, personally responsible for damaging our environment.
▪ Most systems have an executive cabinet, with each member directly and personally responsible for some major area of administration.
▪ She would have been held personally responsible and would almost certainly have fallen from office.
▪ Did this make me personally responsible for more deaths?
▪ Like the sole trader, the partners are personally responsible for paying off any debts the shop may incur.
▪ Now I was not personally responsible for that.
▪ He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use.
▪ They can become personally involved in any of three ways.
▪ I would like you, please, to take back and deliver personally a little present from me to cheer her up.
▪ Risking his displeasure, Lydia says she will personally deliver them to his wife after the marriage.
▪ I personally felt that the characters were very stereo-typed and extremely predictable.
▪ Make every person feel personally significant. 2.
▪ I personally feel very drawn to the character of George, although he has his flaws.
▪ Female speaker I personally feel very disappointed with the sentence.
▪ By not feeling personally hurt or professionally inadequate when matters get worse despite one's best efforts.
▪ With Hurley's indifference to security, Coleman felt personally at risk.
▪ I personally feel that this decline in confidence is both healthy and realistic.
▪ I personally feel it's a shame that certain manufacturers are making amps to please thrash metallers only.
▪ She would have been held personally responsible and would almost certainly have fallen from office.
▪ He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use.
▪ He was personally held responsible for the failures of his economic stewardship.
▪ In 1859 the tsar intervened personally to prevent church leaders from consigning Belliustin to a monastery in the White Sea.
▪ One has to be grateful to him for intervening personally.
▪ Yet when we are involved personally we are forced to acknowledge their existence and to try to understand them.
▪ All hospitals held induction courses but few of the consultants were personally involved.
▪ Hayman would be unlikely to choose anyone known personally to his prey.
▪ These models need not be people we know personally.
▪ During the planting years, I have known personally most of the tree-farmers involved.
▪ Every pupil is known personally, we have our own identity with staff.
▪ A standard rumour was that some one the story-teller knew personally had been hitching a lift one dark night.
▪ Not that he personally knew what it was.
▪ The number of people whom they knew personally in Berlin could have been counted on the fingers of one hand.
▪ None of them he knew personally, and most were completing their war service.
▪ So would they personally like to watch more about them?
▪ They would like to do something for Jim, and the president personally likes him.
▪ In Darcy's Utopia there will be elections, but people will be expected merely to vote for people they personally like.
▪ But we were about to embarrass one of the preeminent members of the law school faculty-a man I personally liked.
▪ A witness summons should be served personally and the witness offered a reasonable sum of money to cover his travel expenses.
▪ There was regrettable delay in serving it and it should have been served personally on Mr. Butler in prison.
▪ Copies must be served personally on all parties to the proceedings.
▪ It was personally served on the president at the Lugano address by an agent of the plaintiffs.
▪ And, also speaking personally, I agree with your view.
▪ I personally think he liked Cambridge University so much he bought it.
▪ I think personally that this is a nonissue.
▪ The steam tank is another device that I personally think every Empire army should have.
▪ I personally think this is as idiotic as waving a bunsen burner around while having a row.
▪ I personally think we can't hang on to the whole of Jerusalem.
▪ I personally think the strength bonus their weapon gives more than compensates for their lack of a shield.
▪ I personally think this is slightly low, especially as the game is so playable.
Personally speaking, I think it's a great name for a cigarette.
Personally, I don't care how it gets done, as long as it's done quickly.
Personally, I don't care how you do it.
Personally, I think it's a crazy idea.
▪ I don't know him personally, but I've heard a lot about him.
▪ I was personally asked by the governor to run for office.
▪ It's best to write about things you have experienced personally.
▪ Most of our customers like French wine, though I personally prefer Californian.
▪ The Commander in Chief visited the island personally, and took steps toward strengthening the defense facilities and fortification.
▪ The President wrote to us personally to thank us for our hard work.
▪ Everyone has the right to say no, even your subordinate, so don't take it personally.
▪ He personally oversaw and, if necessary, modified the agenda for meetings.
▪ He had personally recruited the antique dealer.
▪ I intend to experiment with it personally.
▪ Please encourage class members to lobby their local councils about cuts in classes, either personally or by petition.
▪ Why did his cousin sound so personally affronted?
▪ With Zenlike calm, they absorb the hostility often leveled at them personally, as representatives of the technological elite.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Personally \Per"son*al*ly\, adv.

  1. In a personal manner; by bodily presence; in person; not by representative or substitute; as, to deliver a letter personally.

    He, being cited, personally came not.

  2. With respect to an individual; as regards the person; individually; particularly.

    She bore a mortal hatred to the house of Lancaster, and personally to the king.

  3. With respect to one's individuality; as regards one's self; as, personally I have no feeling in the matter.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from personal + -ly (2). Meaning "as far as I'm concerned" is from 1849.


adv. 1 In a personal manner. 2 in person.

  1. adv. as yourself; "speaking personally, I would not want to go"

  2. as a person; "he is personally repulsive"

  3. in a personal way; "he took her comments personally" [ant: impersonally]

  4. in the flesh; without involving anyone else; "I went there personally"; "he appeared in person" [syn: in person]

  5. concerning the speaker; "personally, I find him stupid"

Personally (P-Square song)

"Personally" is a song by Nigerian R&B duo P-Square, released as the second single from their sixth studio album Double Trouble (2014). The music video, directed by Jude Engees Okoye and Clarence Peters, was uploaded onto Vevo on June 21, 2013. It features a cameo appearance from Osita Iheme. Upon its release, the song received positive reviews from many people who were addicted to its catchy beats and lyrical rhyme schemes. As of February 2015, the music video has eclipsed the 37 million views mark on Vevo. "Personally" claimed the number 1 spot on MTV Base's Official Naija Top 10 Chart from August 10 through August 22 2013.

Personally (Karla Bonoff song)

"Personally" is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Karla Bonoff. It was released in 1982 as the first single from the album Wild Heart of the Young. The song was written by Paul Kelly and was originally recorded by Jackie Moore in 1978.

Usage examples of "personally".

We also know-now-that Elser lived on at Sachsenhausen and then Dachau concentration camps, being accorded, apparently on the express orders of Hitler, who had personally gained so much from the bombing, quite humane treatment under the circumstances.

From there, the CEO made two calls: one to a forensic accounting firm, and one to Chuck Sheafe, head of Sheafe International, to personally request their top investigator.

Hans Castorp, as though somewhere between two intolerable positions, between bombastic humanism and analphabetic barbarism, must be something which one might personally call the human.

This awareness allows me to relax and remember that if I can listen without taking it personally, then when she needs to complain she will be so appreciative of me.

I had personally led Horstmann to poor Brother Leo and the archivist Brother Padraic, and they had paid for my blundering with their lives.

Lorenzo had come a long way, both artistically and personally, since his first self-portrait.

Greatly daring, she suggested to the girl that she might don veil and barracan and personally serve the dey of Algiers.

Between them, they had made it look to the press as if Edwards had personally sunk the Barracuda, either because he had designed faulty equipment or from more sinister motives.

Simon Pauli assures us these berries have performed wonders in curing the stone, he having personally treated cases thus, with incredible success.

She accepted her introduction to Brat with composure, but managed to convey the impression that it was personally delightful to her to have Patrick home again.

But there is some doubt as to whether it belongs to the brewery or to Sir Ivan personally and .

In 1903 there was published in America an account of a large number of vivisections involving blood-pressure which a well-known experimenter had made, either personally or by his assistants.

January, he had an opportunity to expound his unorthodox views to Hitler personally at a dinner given for a number of new corps commanders in Berlin on February 17.

If they are just ordinary extortionists, they will demand money for themselves personally.

Personally, I do not believe that the Jews hate Christ, unless it be that they hate Him in spite of their secret, presensuous love for Him, hate Him with that peculiar hatred which comes from jealousy and which the Hellenes defined as the negative hypostase of Eros, as anti-Eros.