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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impersonally \Im*per"son*al*ly\, adv. In an impersonal manner.


adv. In an impersonal manner.

  1. adv. without warmth; "he treated his patients impersonally" [ant: personally]

  2. in an impersonal manner; "when I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally"

Usage examples of "impersonally".

Admiral Tarrant stared impersonally at Fujiyama, the wonderful mountain, and although he wanted to agree with Cag, he pondered precisely what question would most completely throw this young hothead off balance.

His touch was still impersonally gentle, but the Castillan beauty found herself absolutely helpless against his strength.

Pickering was twice surprised when the deflowered virgin showed up five minutes early, and after a moment's hesitation kissed McCoy, first impersonally and distantly, and then again on the lips, looking into his eyes, as a woman kisses her lover.

She lay down on the padded massage table, and felt the blood begin to flow under the serfs impersonally skillful hands.

He peeled off her wet suit, toweled her dry as impersonally as a nurse, dressed her in warm clothes, and left her staring at the door in a combination of shock and disbelief.

He determined his capacity as impersonally as though his physical body were a volumetric flask.