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period of time

n. an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period" [syn: time period, period]

Usage examples of "period of time".

The font was of stone worn smooth by long-continued use, the four outer edges hollowed and polished by the contact of the countless Wieroo bodies that had leaned against them for how long a period of time Bradley could not even guess.

Over a vast period of time, this ring had grown until it was fifty miles deep and several hundred wide.

Five could investigate them in detail, over a long period of time, offering them all kinds of challenges and rewards to see what they would do.

If a really long period of time had gone by, Rhodan would have done something a long time ago.

This Second Century appeals to me because it was the last century, for a very long period of time, in which men could think and express themselves with full freedom.