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Pericardial fluid

Pericardiac \Per`i*car"di*ac\, Pericardial \Per`i*car"di*al\, a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to pericardium; situated around the heart.

Pericardial fluid (Physiol.), a serous fluid of a pale yellow color contained in the pericardium.

pericardial fluid

n. A fluid that reduces friction within the pericardium by lubricate the epicardial surface, allowing the membranes to glide over each other with each heartbeat.

Pericardial fluid

Pericardial fluid is the serous fluid secreted by the serous layer of the pericardium into the pericardial cavity. The pericardium consists of two layers, an outer fibrous layer and the inner serous layer. This serous layer has two membranes which enclose the pericardial cavity into which is secreted the pericardial fluid. The fluid is similar to the cerebrospinal fluid of the brain which also serves to cushion and allow some movement of the organ.
