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The Collaborative International Dictionary
pent shut uppredicate

confined \confined\ adj.

  1. having movement restricted to within a certain area; -- usually a building. Opposite of unconfined.

    Note: [Narrower terms: claustrophobic; close, confining; homebound, housebound, shut-in; in childbed(prenominal); pent, shut up(predicate); snowbound; weather-bound; stormbound, storm-bound]

  2. deprived of liberty; especially placed under arrest or restraint.

  3. having movement restricted to within an enclosed outdoor area; -- of animals.

    Syn: fenced in, penned.

  4. (Med.) not invading healthy tissue.

  5. held prisoner.

    Syn: captive, imprisoned, jailed.

  6. having movement or progress restricted to a certain area; as, an outbreak of the plague confined to one quarter of the city; wildfires confined to within the canyon.