Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. not ''confined'', free from physical restraint.
adj. not confined [ant: confined]
free from confinement or physical restraint [syn: unimprisoned]
Usage examples of "unconfined".
Even buckytube supermagnets are probably inadequate to this task, but a field too small to serve as an interstellar fuel scoop could still serve well as an unconfined magnetic particle shield.
Satisfied, Rosie turned her attention to Tig whose pleasure at his prezzies, as long as they were instantly edible, was genuine and unconfined.
All round us, however, there was a worse than Egyptian darkness, where Popery and Prelacy, Arminianism, Erastianism, and Simony might rage and riot unchecked and unconfined.
Tramps or ex-soldiers passing through town had scattered trash through the rooms and built unconfined cook fires on the hearths, blackening the walls and scorching the ceilings.
Away from the transpersonal, away from the interpersonaland back to the prepersonal, back to biocentric immersionperfectly geocentric and perfectly egocentricback to the prerational divine egoism that mistakes unconfined sensory immersion for transpersonal release.
None of these are perfect solutions, particularly against the heavy ion component of the cosmic ray background, however, the one with the most promise is unconfined magnetic shielding—.
And a magnetic monopole detector, orbiting the sun out of the plane of the ecliptic, had captured a trace of what looked to be a fractionally charged unconfined particle with a mass as big as a bacterium—.