n. (context geology English) A sedimentary rock containing very fine particles
Pelite ( Greek pelos, clay) is an old and currently not widely used field geological term for a clay-rich, fine-grained clastic sediment or sedimentary rock, i.e. mud or a mudstone. It is equivalent to the Latin-derived term lutite. More commonly, metamorphic geologists currently use pelite for a metamorphosed fine-grained sedimentary rock, i.e. mudstone or siltstone, which should technically be called a ''metapelite.
The term pelite is not to be confused with pilite, a rarely used name for an altered olivine that has been partially pseudomorphically replaced by an assemblage of carbonate–chlorite–actinolite and can be identified only in a thin section.
Pettijohn (1975) gives the following descriptive terms based on grain size, avoiding the use of terms such as clay or argillaceous which carry an implication of chemical composition. The Greek terms are more commonly used for metamorphosed rocks, and the Latin for unmetamorphosed:
Descriptive size termsTexture
psephite (psephitic)
rudite (rudaceous)
psammite (psammitic)
arenite (arenaceous)
pelite (pelitic)
lutite (lutaceous)
Usage examples of "pelite".
He wore a brilliantly colored sweater emblazoned with the logo of the local pelote team, black beret, and terrorist pants.
COMEDIE HUMAINE SCENES DE LA VIE PRIVEE SCENES FROM PRIVATE LIFE La Maison du Chat-qui Pelote At the Sign of the Cat and Racket Le Bal de Sceaux The Ball at Sceaux La Bourse The Purse La Vendetta The Vendetta Mme.