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n. A sedimentary rock whose composition is intermediate in grain size between the coarser sandstone and the finer mudstone.


n. a fine-grained sandstone of consolidated silt


Siltstone is a sedimentary rock which has a grain size in the silt range, finer than sandstone and coarser than claystones.

Usage examples of "siltstone".

In the distance they had traveled, the rocks had gone from the massive rusty sandstone near the entrance to a finer-grained and lighter-colored sandstone to the buff siltstone that surrounded them here.

Straddling the break, with one foot on buff siltstone and one on rusty sandstone, he noticed something he should have seen before.

He inspected marbles from every corner of the world limestones, siltstones, crystalline and veined.

If the sediments remain undisturbed, eventually the record of each change in the tide in that channel is preserved for all time by rock, with little lenses of siltstone encased in the surrounding sandstone.