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n. (context Canada English) An elevated or underground walkway, often connecting high-rise buildings.


Pedways are elevated or underground walkways, often connecting urban high-rises to each other, other buildings, or the street. They provide quick and comfortable movement from building to building, away from traffic and inclement weather. Two of the largest networks of underground walkways are located in Canada. RÉSO in Montreal and PATH in Toronto each consist of approximately 30 km of underground walkways in the heart of their respective city centres.

Usage examples of "pedway".

She flitted around in front of a service access door that proved to be unlocked and that led down to a similar door that opened onto a darkened section of the Pedway that looked as though it had been under construction but was abandoned when the building had shut down.

The gate proved to be unlocked, and we went down the tunnel, into a damper section of tunnels, rife with the smell of mold, that was clearly not a part of the Pedway proper.

They took a pedway to the berth itself, sliding past three kilometers of other vessels, most of them Imperial, a few belonging to the Palace upper crust, the rest to licensed traders like Tritch.

They stood looking for another moment, then Mac escorted his visitor onto the pedway strip.

That vanished to show a montage of color pictures, each a blur of motion: shops, people getting onto a moving pedway, a riot of color.

The parking lot was open, as was the lightrail stop and the pedway underneath the road.

He limped off the pedway, acknowledged the guards with a wave, and entered the elevator, twitching while it rose.

She rounded the corner, saw she was on the edge of a pedway, and stepped onto the moving strip.

They ran with flying heels down the pedway, dropped two stories and ducked into a tiny bistro nestled in the angles of pedway and monorail flyovers.

Jarrett looked out of the window beneath the shadow of the monorail, down to a pedway a level beneath.

They slipped out of the bistro and walked quickly along the upper pedway in the opposite direction.

Had he known more he might have been able to tinker with the drive unit and increase the power in a single surge that, while burning out the unit, would have enabled them to rise to a pedway a hundred yards off, which now slowly rose into the sky above them as they fell.

They rose up and Todd was able to topple himself inward like a gross crab and tumble onto the pedway walk.

The marquee directed her to elevators in Stanchion 5, one klick east by pedway, but Zoranna was tired.

A blue-and-blue waited where the pedway met the street, and a uniformed officer Taz vaguely recognized stood leaning against the side of the vehicle.