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n. (plural of peace English)

Usage examples of "peaces".

Mis Square Baxter was mixin suthin in a dipper before the kitchin fire, & a small army of female wimin were rushin wildly round the house with bottles of camfire, peaces od flannil, &c.

Your gals in partickular air abowt as snug bilt peaces of Calliker as I ever saw.

Its drefful stuff--a sort of lickwid litenin, gut up under the personal supervishun of the devil--tears men's inards all to peaces and makes their noses blossum as the Lobster.

Kolonial Hall is in the college and is used by the stujents to speak peaces and read essays into.

We will obviously have to work to make sure the paper and conjugal peaces hold firmly, but we need a buffer between them and us, just in case.

By the time they leave us a year from now, they will be six small Peaces, golden hair, blue eyes, restless tongues.

I might instance in many modern examples, and show how many confederations, and peaces, and promises have been broken by the infidelity of princes, and how he that best personated the fox had the better success.

No more Clodaghs, Borgias, 'lords', Napoleons, Peaces, Rockefellers, Hundred-Years' Wars—you see?