Patersonia is a genus of flowering plants in the Iridaceae commonly known as native iris or native flag. It was first described as a genus in 1807 by Robert Brown. It is native to Australia, New Guinea, New Caledonia, and insular Southeast Asia. The genus name is a tribute to the first Lieutenant Governor of New South Wales in Australia, William Paterson.
They are perennials with basal leaves growing from a woody rhizome that in some species extends above ground to form a short trunk. The leaves are tough and fibrous, often with adaptations for conserving moisture, such as stomata sunk in grooves, a thickened cross-section, marginal hairs, and thickened margins.
The flowers appear from between a pair of bracts on a leafless stem. They have three large outer tepals that are usually blue to violet, and three tiny inner tepals. There are three stamens fused at the base to form a tube around the longer style, which bears a flattened stigma.
Several Patersonia species are grown as garden plants. They can be propagated by seed or by division.
Species- Patersonia argyrea D.A.Cooke - Gairdner Range in Western Australia
- Patersonia babianoides Benth. - Western Australia
- Patersonia borneensis Stapf - Sabah
- Patersonia drummondii F.Muell. ex Benth. - Western Australia
- Patersonia fragilis (Labill.) Asch. & Graebn. - swamp iris, a plant of sandy coastal heathlands in south-eastern Australia (southern Queensland to Tasmania); it has narrow, grey-green leaves and pale violet flowers close to the ground
- Patersonia glabrata R.Br. - Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria - leafy purple flag, bugulbi ( Cadigal), a shrub up to 80 cm high with wiry, tangled stems
- Patersonia graminea Benth. - Western Australia
- Patersonia inaequalis Benth. - Western Australia
- Patersonia inflexa Goldblatt - Papua New Guinea
- Patersonia juncea Lindl. - Western Australia
- Patersonia lanata R.Br. - Western Australia
- Patersonia limbata Endl. - Stirling Range in Western Australia
- Patersonia lowii Stapf - Sabah
- Patersonia macrantha Benth. - Northern Territory of Australia
- Patersonia maxwellii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. - Western Australia
- Patersonia neocaledonica Goldblatt & J.C.Manning - New Caledonia
- Patersonia novo-guineensis Gibbs - Arfak Mountains in Province of West Papua in Indonesia
- Patersonia occidentalis R.Br., which grows up to 75 cm tall and has blue flowers. It is widespread in southern Australia (South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia)
- Patersonia philippinensis Goldblatt - Mindoro Island in Philippines
- Patersonia pygmaea Lindl. - Western Australia
- Patersonia rudis Endl. - Western Australia
- Patersonia sericea R.Br. New South Wales
- Patersonia spirafolia Keighery - Western Australia
- Patersonia sumatrensis Goldblatt - Sumatra
- Patersonia umbrosa Endl. , a species from Western Australia that has two colour variants, the typical blue-violet variety, and the yellow-flowered var. xanthina from the karri forests