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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Particularism \Par*tic"u*lar*ism\, n. [Cf. F. particularisme.]

  1. A minute description; a detailed statement. [R.]

  2. (Theol.) The doctrine of particular election.

  3. (German Politics) Devotion to the interests of one's own kingdom or province rather than to those of the empire.


n. 1 (context theology English) The principle that only certain people are chosen by God for salvation. 2 An exclusive focus on a particular group, area, sect etc. 3 (context politics English) The principle that individual states, races of a federation etc. may act independently of a central authority.


n. a focus on something particular


Particularism may refer to:

  • Epistemological particularism, a position concerning the problem of the criterion in epistemology ( philosophy)
  • Historical particularism, an approach in anthropology
  • Literary particularism, a literary genre that emphasizes details
  • Moral particularism, the view that there are no universal moral principles
  • Multicultural particularism, the belief that a common culture for all people is either undesirable or impossible
  • Political particularism, the politics of group identity that trumps universal rights
  • Religious particularism, name given to the phenomenon of Americanism in the apostolic letter Testem benevolentiae nostrae

Usage examples of "particularism".

Instead, there had been a vexing multiplicity of local particularisms, parochial grievances and individual banditries.