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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Parousia \Pa*rou"si*a\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?. See Parusia.]

  1. The nativity of our Lord.

  2. The last day.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"Second Coming," a reference to Matt. xxiv:27, 1875, from Greek parousia, literally "presence," from para- (see para- (1)) + ousia "essence," from on, genitive ontos, present participle of einai "to be" (see ion).


n. The second coming of Christ.


Parousia (; ) is an ancient Greek word meaning presence, arrival, or official visit.

Usage examples of "parousia".

In fact, there are some who take that promise by the angel as referring to the Parousia, when Jesus would arrive at the End-time.

And in some form or other, immediately or at the impending Parousia, he would meet his disciples in Galilee.

One would agree that Mark does anticipate appearances, although as I mentioned earlier, it is not clear whether he is referring to immediate ones, in flesh, or to the anticipated Parousia, when Jesus would arrive from heaven in spirit form.

Bethlehem, that is the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, will make an appearance in May of the year 2000 and that will be the moment when the parousia or second coming will occur.

Predictions of Parousia frequently feature children as central protagonists.