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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Parietes \Pa*ri"e*tes\, n. pl. [L. paries a wall.]

  1. (Anat.) The walls of a cavity or an organ; as, the abdominal parietes; the parietes of the cranium.

  2. (Bot.) The sides of an ovary or of a capsule.


Paries \Pa"ri*es\, n.; pl. Parietes. [See Parietes.] (Zo["o]l.) The triangular middle part of each segment of the shell of a barnacle.


n. (plural of paries English)

  1. n. (anatomy) a layer (a lining or membrane) that encloses a structure; "stomach walls" [syn: wall]

  2. [also: parietes (pl)]


See paries

Usage examples of "parietes".

Donne describes an athletic laborer of twenty-five who received a wound from a rifle-ball penetrating the cranial parietes immediately in the posterior superior angle of the parietal bone, and a few lines from the lambdoid suture.

Algora speaks of an abdominal pregnancy in which there was spontaneous perforation of the anterior abdominal parietes, followed by death.

The horn entered at the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, involving the parietes and the uterus.

There was a small puncture in the abdominal parietes, through which the whole of the intestines protruded and were constricted.

In two of the cases the hysteropexy had been performed over five years before the pregnancy occurred, and, although the bands of adhesion between the fundus and the parietes must have become very tough after so long a period, no special difficulty was encountered.

Farquharson and Ill both mention rupture of the abdominal parietes during labor.

Hevin mentions several cases of grains of wheat abstracted from abscesses of the thoracic parietes, from thirteen to fifteen days after ingestion.

In nine of these cases there was no fracture, and either no bruise of the parietes or a very slight one.

After washing this mass it was found to be a portion of the vaginal parietes and the fleshy body of the neck of the uterus.

This cut divided the parietes and severed one of the coats of the colon.