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The Collaborative International Dictionary
paper nautilus

Nautilus \Nau"ti*lus\, n.; pl. E. Nautiluses, L. Nautili. [L., fr. Gr. nayti`los a seaman, sailor, a kind of shellfish which was supposed to be furnished with a membrane which served as a sail; fr. nay^s ship. See Nave of a church.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) The only existing genus of tetrabranchiate cephalopods. About four species are found living in the tropical Pacific, but many other species are found fossil. The shell is spiral, symmetrical, and chambered, or divided into several cavities by simple curved partitions, which are traversed and connected together by a continuous and nearly central tube or siphuncle. See Tetrabranchiata.

    Note: The head of the animal bears numerous simple tapered arms, or tentacles, arranged in groups, but not furnished with suckers. The siphon, unlike, that of ordinary cephalopods, is not a closed tube, and is not used as a locomotive organ, but merely serves to conduct water to and from the gill cavity, which contains two pairs of gills. The animal occupies only the outer chamber of the shell; the others are filled with gas. It creeps over the bottom of the sea, not coming to the surface to swim or sail, as was formerly imagined.

  2. The argonaut; -- also called paper nautilus. See Argonauta, and Paper nautilus, under Paper.

  3. A variety of diving bell, the lateral as well as vertical motions of which are controlled, by the occupants.

paper nautilus

Argonauta \Ar`go*nau"ta\, n. (Zo["o]l.) A genus of Cephalopoda. The shell is called paper nautilus or paper sailor.

Note: The animal has much resemblance to an Octopus. It has eight arms, two of which are expanded at the end and clasp the shell, but are never elevated in the air for sails as was formerly supposed. The creature swims beneath the surface by means of a jet of water, like other cephalopods. The male has no shell, and is much smaller than the female. See Hectocotylus.

paper nautilus

n. A pelagic octopus of genus ''Argonauta'', found in warm seas, whose females produce a paper-thin egg case resembling a shell into which she deposits her eggs.

paper nautilus

n. cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells [syn: nautilus, Argonaut, Argonauta argo]