v. communicate by hooting and panting, as of primates
The pant-hoot is one of the best known and studied of the vocalizations of chimpanzees. This call begins with breathy, low-pitched hoots that makes a transition into a series of quicker, higher-pitched in-and-out pants. Finally the pant-hoot builds to a loud climax.
This loud vocalization is used by chimpanzees at apparently any opportunity where they feel it is appropriate to express their excitement. Chimpanzees pant-hoot in a variety of different circumstances and situations, such as arriving at fruit trees, when joining and greeting other members of their community, and when traveling. They often listen to distant pant-hoots made by other chimps and respond to them. These sounds may serve as identification, but they occur in such a wide variety of circumstances and with enough subtle variations that they may carry other meanings as well.
Both male and female chimpanzees make the pant-hoot call. High-ranking adult males pant-hoot most frequently. The females sometimes produce pant-hoots on their own and often join in a chorus of pant-hoots when others around are calling. The males' and females' pant-hoots sound different, and it is even possible for humans (with a little practice) to distinguish between the calls of two different chimpanzee individuals. Pant-hoot styles vary among different populations of chimps.
Category:Animal communication Category:Animal sounds Category:Chimpanzees