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Pandemia is a 2006 post-apocalyptic teen novel written by American author Johnathan Rand (a pseudonym of Christopher Wright). The novel depicts a scenario in which bird flu mutates and becomes a global epidemic because of modern transportation methods, eventually causing a universal state of emergency.

Usage examples of "pandemia".

He could have been warlock of the west, mightiest of the Four, judge and ruler of all Pandemia, greater even than the imperor.

Few indeed were the inhabitants of Pandemia who had seemed worthy of admiration: Gathmor, in his rough way, and the sailorfolk of Durthing, of course.

No mundane in all Pandemia has more power than an imperor, yet I can offer no reward a sorcerer would need.

Every girl in Pandemia dreamed of being presented at the imperor’s court one day.

He had violated the Protocol that had ruled Pandemia for three thousand years.

He had a terrifying vision of all Pandemia stretched out endlessly before him, and himself spending his whole life wandering from place to place, searching for Inos.

She can spirit people from Krasnegar to Arakkaran, across the whole width of Pandemia, and we merely hop on camels and ride off into the desert?

If the imperor were missing, then everyone would be out looking for him, and you’ve been seen by half Pandemia in your time.

He probably knew more about the music of Pandemia than anyone else did, so no one argued.

No one should know that better than Emshandar the Fifth, by the grace of the Gods rightful imperor of Pandemia, lord of the four oceans et cetera et cetera, former proconsul, former legate, former tribune.

His father almost circumnavigated Pandemia, and Drakkor was thought to have the same ambition.