Ozeryshche is a village in central Ukraine, located in Kaniv Raion of Cherkasy Oblast ( province). The village belongs to the eponymous village council - . The population of the village is 238 people of 179 households in 2016.
The village name came from four lakes (, Ozero) that were located in there.
The village council area borders with the Kaniv reservoir in the west, Kiev Oblast in the north, Zolotonosha Raion in the east and village council in the south. Western and northern territories of the village council belong to the , which covers riverside forests located on the left bank of the Dnieper, at the border of the Kiev and Cherkasy regions.
By roads, the village is located:
- to the nearest railway station
- to the district centre Kaniv.
- to the region centre Cherkasy.
- to Boryspil International Airport.
- to the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.
( Myronivka - ) goes thought the territory of the village council, that connects Kaniv to ( Boryspil - Zaporizhia).
Until the mid of XX century there was a hamlet - khutir Svynyntsi in the west of Ozeryshche, which was mentioned in Ulas Samchuk's book "Moroziv khutir" ( 1948). It was named Svynyntsi because there were a lot of wild swine in surrounding forests.