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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Oversize \O`ver*size"\, v. t. To surpass in size.


Oversize \O`ver*size"\, v. t. To cover with viscid matter. [R.]

O'ersized with coagulate gore.

  1. 1 larger than normal 2 Excessively large v

  2. To surpass in size.


adj. larger than normal for its kind [syn: outsize, outsized, oversized]


Oversize may refer to:

  • Oversize permit
  • Oversize cargo
  • Oversize load
  • Oversized racket (sports equipment) as used in squash and tennis
  • "Oversized", a song by Basement from Promise Everything

Usage examples of "oversize".

He imagined himself grown oversize, beastlike, scuffling along beside a more human-faced Brock Vond.

Twelve was definitely the turning point, when you changed from a cute littlie into an oversize, under-educated ugly.

He looked remote and feral, with the narrow face and the sleek ferret head and the oversize arms, meaty as thighs, sticking out of the chopped-off sleeves.

In the oversize doorways lay huge snakes, big crabs with oversize claws, and semifluid horrors like giant jellyfish.

But in a heartbeat Squirl wriggled out of the oversize shirt and turned.

Then he settled into an oversize, oversoft chair that disguised his height.

Used to transport bodies, the car was oversize, the tailgate window discreetly covered with a screen, and in back was a removable plyboard floor that required hosing down several times a week.

The big rigs -- the stupendously oversize vans, the doublewide trailers, the canvas-flapping Omars, the sedans, the commercial flatbeds -- all moved like a herd of animals, in an orderly, coordinated way, our speed about as fast as a person can run.

His high-heeled boots and oversize tapaderas were a little the worse for wear, and there was a haunch of venison strapped behind his rifle.

Bartok rose from his oversize chair and moved unhurriedly round his quarters, a large, bearlike man with slow, deliberate movements.

A large dark green plate secured billboardlike halfway up one wall was filled with oversize abstract etchings.

The oversize head projected at the top of the pedestal followed each approaching donor with a steely programmed gaze, smiling at the hefty contributions and intimidating the cheapskates with a scowl.

Coruscant, Jaina glanced at her mother, who looked small and fragile in the oversize seat Chewie had occupied for so many years.

Gym bags and oversize canvas duffels had been lined up in random clusters while the kids themselves milled around, engaged in various forms of horseplay.

He stared emptily and flailed his oversize hands in the air in rough, concentric circles.