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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ an outsize pair of glasses
▪ A younger woman with outsize spectacles behind them periodically gave a slight nod of her head.
▪ At its shortest the coat is seen by some designers as little more than a regular outsize jacket.
▪ He wore outsize glasses and talked excessively, usually about his work.
▪ Its still sparse population seems shrunk, as it were, in such outsize garments.
▪ On the white-painted wall of the lobby were several outsize representations of lighted cigarettes with a diagonal red line drawn through them.
▪ She headed for the outsize black car that was parked opposite.
  1. of an unusually large size n. an unusually large garment size v

  2. to exceed in size


adj. larger than normal for its kind [syn: outsized, oversize, oversized]


n. an unusual garment size (especially one that is very large)

Usage examples of "outsize".

Her pillowy breasts below the outsize summer dress were almost suspended over the desk as she said it.

Vergere offered from one of the other beds, atop which she roosted like an outsize avian.

The guests, as the Cimbrian insisted on calling them, were led into an outsize room where Arkonsky bowed the knee to an idol with four faces, that Svantevit which the Danes had chopped up for firewood in the other history.

It was then that the scream smote his ears, bouncing from wall to wall of the tiny vale, startling the drinking pony, who threw up his outsize head, snorting through wide-flared nostrils, though he was too tired and heavy-laden to bolt.

He sat down in one of the armchairs arranged neatly in front of the holovision, which now resembled a sort of outsize fireplace.

Everything about him was outsize, from the stained battledress that might have come from any of half a dozen armed forces, to the startlingly large signet ring on his left band.

He saw an electric motor bolted to a table and, nearby, what appeared to be an outsize coffee mill.

With his outsize cranium, his mane of yellow hair, his petite body, and his arrogant freakishness, Van Dusen can't be imagined as welcome among the upper-crust British.

And the prejudices and constraints of Earth-bound thinking - genophobia, for instance - would work to block any researcher, or any corporation, from developments or discoveries large enough to outsize Earth's hungers.

The queen dragonet turned her head towards Brekke, the glistening eyes enormous in the outsize skull.

There was an antique kneehole desk with an outsize leather chair, clearly Tremayne's own territory, and on the floor a splatter of overlapping Persian rugs in haphazard patterns and colours covering most of an old grey carpet.

The taller buildings resembled outsize rocketships that had never left their launch pads, or the wind-eroded lava tors of long-dead volcanoes.

I earned a good few disapproving looks for this, and also one sharply interested glance from a very short lad whose outsize nose sniffed monotonously.

But there’s an outsize beach about a hundred kilometers north of here, fronting on a narrow-mouthed bay, with fertile hills right behind—hills that look as if they ought to contain ores.

An enormous spider hung upon the web—larger than any tarantula of Kranor-Rill it was, and its thick black legs outspanned even Kane’s outsize hands.