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The Collaborative International Dictionary

oversimplified \oversimplified\ adj. simplified excessively so as to distort or misrepresent; -- of facts, assertions, or communications. Contrasted with overcomplicated.

Syn: simplistic.

  1. Having been simplified to the point where important information is not conveyed. v

  2. (past participle of oversimplify English)


adj. unrealistically simple [syn: simplistic]

  1. v. simplify to an excessive degree; "Don't oversimplify the problem"

  2. make too simple; "Don't oversimplify the instructions"

  3. [also: oversimplified]


Usage examples of "oversimplified".

This can be illustrated, though in a highly oversimplified fashion, if we think of an individual life as a great channel through which experience flows.

By inserting powdered egg in the factory, the company had oversimplified the task of the housewife, depriving her of the sense of creatively participating in the cake-baking process.

I've oversimplified the process, of course, but that's a nuts-and-bolts description.