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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overgrow \O`ver*grow"\, v. t. [imp. Overgrew; p. p. Overgrown; p. pr. & vb. n. Overgrowing.]

  1. To grow over; to cover with growth or herbage, esp. that which is rank; as, dandelions have overgrown the lawn.

    The green . . . is rough and overgrown.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  2. To grow beyond; to rise above; hence, to overcome; to oppress. [Obs.]
    --Mortimer. ``O'ergrown with labor.''
    --Beau. & Fl.

    Note: [Usually in the past participle.]


vb. (en-simple past of: overgrow)

  1. v. become overgrown; "The patio overgrew with ivy"

  2. grow beyond or across; "The ivy overgrew the patio" [syn: grow over]

  3. grow too large for [syn: outgrow]

  4. [also: overgrown, overgrew]


See overgrow

Usage examples of "overgrew".

A few immense ferns, ideally suited to the frequent coastal fogs, overgrew the path, and Chrissie shivered as she pushed through them, for she felt as if scores of small hands were grabbing at her.

It showed no variation but of tint: green, where rush and moss overgrew the marshes.

But during the gestation, the sister embryo overgrew the brother embryo, engulfed him and incorporated him in yourself as a fraternal cyst.